






在集# 124,亚历山德拉股票的力量异步会议和她如何运行不是很典型的工程实验。





























艾登Mirzaee (Fellow.app)00:27




艾登Mirzaee (Fellow.app)04:37




艾登Mirzaee (Fellow.app)05:17

是的,这是惊人的。我的意思是,你和我都知道一群人写过的书。我认为你做的边缘是不可能能够及时完成这一切,能够得到这样一个伟大的出版商,并做所有的时间,和现在Supermanagers。让一切都完整的循环。对于那些没看过这本书,这是远程工程管理。对于那些看这个视频,我拿着它。那是一个美丽的封面。我们今天谈了很多。所以有趣的,亚历山德拉,在我们进入之前的所有有趣的东西我们要讨论,我的意思是,你有一个很宽的跨越职业显然开始作为一名工程师,成为工程经理,高级工程经理,你在这样的公司工作流体制品,和调查猴子,你要做很多社区的事情。你是公司领导的渥太华松弛一章,你做了很多,很多会议谈判,你环游世界在不同的会议上演讲。 And, and of course, now you have this book. But before we get into all those details, I did want to start from the very beginning. Do you remember when you first started to lead a team? And what were some of those very early mistakes you made?


我记得。所以我很喜欢相信作为一个领袖,作为一个经理是两个非常不同的事情。我认为,领导一般是我做了我职业生涯的大部分时间。所以当我加入的,我认为,第五个工程师12日员工在公司里,因为我们还很小。和没有任何余地工程经理。我很兴奋地编写代码。但即使在这一点上,当我加入时,我就像创建第一个新员工培训过程工程师和帮助其他团队创建他们自己的,我记得喜欢建立整个公司的360的反馈过程,和跑步,做经理通常不会做的事情。但我一直喜欢抓住这些机会创造过程和领导的事情。但是当我成为一个正式的经理,开始带领自己的团队,那是在一个非常有趣的时刻,因为这是2020年4月。后大约三个星期,也许每个人都开始在家工作。 So very odd time when everyone’s feeling very vulnerable and emotional. And suddenly, everyone’s working remotely and having to make that work. That’s when I got my first team. But I felt like I was well equipped to deal with that, because I had been working remotely at that point for eight years already, it was a very different shift, because I went from being the only person at follow working remotely to just one of everyone. But yeah, so I started managing a team at that point, and mistakes I’ve made. So another thing is that I’ve listened to every single episode of Supermanagers. And at this point, when we’re recording it, I think it’s 119 120 episodes in and I knew you’re gonna ask like what mistakes I’ve made. And so I’ve been thinking really hard about like what I’m going to talk about, because there have been 120 Mistakes talked about. And so that covers a lot of the stuff that I ran into, I found something that has not been brought up yet, which I was excited about,

艾登Mirzaee (Fellow.app)08:34



我仍然喜欢适应它。我觉得它仍然是一个错误我落入有时。所以你知道,我们有一个非常,非常多元文化的公司像几个月前我跑一个调查问每个人只需要回复,他们出生在什么国家。和超过一半的公司以外的加拿大出生的,但是大部分的公司在加拿大工作。,我一直都很喜欢。甚至在工程团队,有一个地方我直接团队,每个人来自不同的国家。我喜欢,因为它意味着每个人都必须了解彼此的文化,和食品和传统,所有这些东西。但我从未真正想过,如何影响人们如何工作。和我第一次绊倒了,这是我想到我开始带领团队三个月后,我问我的经理去做像一个非正式反馈调查收集的事情,以确保我的决定是正确的,人们没有秘密对我感到心烦。我说,看,我能做得更好吗? And one of the responses that I remember getting was somebody who was like pretty senior engineer on the team, saying that I should be making more decisions and telling them more what to do and that I have to be more authoritative compared to everyone else on the team who’s saying like, Yes, we love that we get to make our own decisions. and like, verify them. But everyone loves that kind of independence. And so when I saw that response, I immediately thought like, well, that’s wrong. Like, you’re you’re not right, like, that’s not the white right way of going about things. I didn’t tell them that you should never tell people that their feedback is wrong. But it kind of stuck with me as like a That’s really strange. I didn’t really think much of it after that. And a few more things started happening with other people where somebody would like, I would ask someone, what they think about a project, and if they have feedback about it, and they would be saying how like, Oh, it’s okay, it’s great, it’s going well, there’s this tiny little thing that could maybe be a little bit better, but it’s not the end of the world. And then that thing would be the end of the world. Like, it’d be really, really bad. And I tell them, like, you’re not giving feedback, right? Like you, you have to be more defensive about this. And so we I had all these clashes with people, I kept thinking like, Oh, they’re wrong, they’re not working the right way. And then I read the book, The no rules, rules, Netflix book, which was very interesting. Look, really, yeah, it’s so good on, like creating team culture. And I don’t know if I agree with like everything in there. But just the idea of being intentional about culture was really interesting. And one of the co authors on there, Erin Meyer, they mentioned a book in there that she also wrote, called the Culture Map. And I love this book. And so I rent went and got that book. And then that puts so much into perspective for me, because that book talks about how every culture in the world, like every country has a different way of looking at things like management style, and how to communicate how to give and receive feedback. As Canadians we might give feedback very differently than somebody in Germany, who will be like much more direct than we will. And seeing that right now made me understand, like, all of those times where I thought like that person is wrong, they’re not working the right way. It’s just that they were working the right way, given their cultural upbringing, it just put so much into perspective for me. And I then understood how like all these things that are going wrong, they can be so easily solved by just like creating a intentional team culture and aligning everyone on just the basic things like here’s how I expect decisions to be made. Here’s who should make decisions, and just being very clear that this is how we should work. And I think like clarifying that has solved a lot of things that I’ve been running into,

艾登Mirzaee (Fellow.app)12:30



是的,这是一个非常深入的书。我爱它,因为它只是充满了那么多的故事这个人遇到的事情。和它的地方每一个或一群国家如此规模的不同特征。例如,其中一个特征是如何反馈。和一些有滑动规模非常,非常被动,像你说的,人们应该读入的意义和非常直接。只是说,比如,这是错误的,改变它。和国家在这种规模将落在不同的地方。和实际地图出来说,我们在这里,加拿大,德国在这里展示如何直接或被动的人。我认为有七个或八个特征。这说明了为什么这是某些国家的原因是这样的。 And then a lot of different stories of like times, different countries worked together on some project. And there were just huge misunderstandings because of the cultural clashes there. So it’s a really interesting book.

艾登Mirzaee (Fellow.app)一点

是的。所以我认为你说的很有意思,而且肯定每个人都应该意识到的东西。我的意思是,这些天,我们在多元文化公司工作,尤其是远程工作使我们经常雇佣其他地方的人,但我真的很喜欢你做的点,不过,那就是当你把人从其他国家,其他公司,不同的成长环境,他们将携带一组操作的方法。除非你很明确的,在你的团队,那么你要离开的机会,每个人都将感知不同的事情。而如果你说,这是我们如何沟通反馈,这是我们如何做决定。这是我们如何做这些事情,那么它就变成了哦,这是公司的文化。诚然,每个人都有一组不同的工作方式在加入这个团队或公司。但这就是我们在这里做事情。然后留下更少的机会。所以我真的很喜欢这个。 What have you done to implement this within your teams or I know that this is potentially a lot of work, but can you think of like one example of how you use this knowledge to set something in place and the team?



艾登Mirzaee (Fellow.app)16:08




艾登Mirzaee (Fellow.app)18:02




艾登Mirzaee (Fellow.app)18:29



我的意思是,很实际,我开始写书,因为我的朋友安娜路人,我想要一个写问责伙伴NaNoWriMo 11月全国小说写作月,类似的东西。她希望有人跟她写点东西我们可以保持彼此负责。我自愿作为一个好朋友,我不知道我自己。因为这个月的全部意义就是你写50000字在一个月里,这是一个比似乎更多。这基本上是一个漫长的博客每一天,这是一个把自己锁进。但我一直想写这样的一段时间。无论如何,我一直非常喜欢写作写大量的博客和杂志文章和事物不同的出版物。我觉得这是我想与大家分享,因为当我开始写这个远程工作了九年。有很多事情,我看到人们慢慢得到好运与远程工作。你知道,这是一个争取每个人都当我们开始在家工作和学习如何使用视频通话。 But I felt that there is a deeper thing going on that people weren’t quite grasping just yet. And so I wanted to share some of the things that you really just need to spend years and years deepen before understanding how to do right. And it was things like, in the first chapter I talk about hiring and one of the things that I’ve noticed is that working from home and doing remote interview calls, there’s a new set of biases that come up in hiring and biases in hiring are really important to be aware of, and really important to, to train people on so that we’re interviewing more fairly. But when you’re interviewing someone on a video call, and they’re at home, it’s a very different situation than if they were coming into the office. And there’s some benefits to it, where they don’t have to travel all the way to talk to you for an hour or whatever it is. And that’s good, because they don’t have to make arrangements for childcare, or whatever it is that that they need before coming in. But you’re getting this very intimate view into someone’s life, and you can see their background, and maybe you can see that there’s like a dirty kitchen behind them or something. And that might make someone think of it like it might not look as nice as somebody with like a really gorgeous, scenic background behind them. And those are the types of things that they’re the biases that we haven’t been trained on yet. And it’s something that can affect how people view candidates. And so things like that, and internet quality and all these things that people can’t, don’t have any control over and don’t exist when you’re interviewing people in person. There are just so many things like that about remote work that I think are really important to talk about. And so I wanted to make this book so that I could share those lessons that I’ve had with with everyone.

艾登Mirzaee (Fellow.app)21:55



我认为回顾对球队非常重要,因为他们给你空间和时间谈论的事情不一定每天。等工程团队在特定的,就像我们有一个每周的工程会议,我们有检查ins的团队。我们会把诸如哦,这个昨天发生的事情实在是太烦人了。让我们做点什么来解决这个问题。还有心灵的顶端的东西将长大。但是没有空间来谈论长期问题的唠叨的我们的思想,可能需要一点时间来谈论。所以我们做的是每六个月,我想我们做我们做过了四年,也许在这一点上三、四年,每六个月,我们会有一个工程的回顾。和你说的一样,这不是典型的工程复古,你谈论的票和你在过去几周的事情。这些只是大实验,你可以谈论绝对的东西在你的头脑。有很少的结构来讨论。 And basically nothing is off limits. The one rule that I have is you can complain about things, but you can’t complain about people unless the person is me. That’s fine. And what I like to do is categorize things into good, so So and bad things. And so we’ll we’ll start off by talking about things that are going really well that people want to keep doing just like starts off with a nice high note. That’s always a nice way to start off the meeting. And then we’ll talk about things that are starting to be a bit of an issue could really use a little bit more attention, but not the end of the world. And then we’ll end with the things that are like really, really bad. If we don’t change things, right, this second than everything is going to collapse, we just need to address it immediately. And the nice thing about having this six month cadence is for one, it’s very easy to know when the next one’s coming up. Because it’s like, if you wait for a specific situation to happen, you’re probably only going to end up waiting for something really bad to go down, and then you have a retro. But if you have these scheduled regularly, then you don’t have to wait for that bad thing to happen. And maybe you end up talking about something that could have prevented that bad thing from happening in the first place. But I really love these because every single time, there’s just a huge variety and topics that are brought up. I remember one of the really good ones that we had was the first one that we did as a fully remote team. And I think when when that happened, I had been kind of considering not doing it, maybe because I knew everybody was feeling bad, I didn’t really know what we could do to make things better, because that was June 2020. So we were like just getting into the swing of working remotely. And I decided like, now this is probably the best time to do it. Like anytime where there’s a lot of stuff going on, it’s a good outlet for people to talk about what’s on their mind. And it makes people feel heard too, because if I’ve been feeling that the team’s not working great together or something, just hypothetical situation, I might feel very alone about that, and not feel so great. But if I bring it up at a retro and I see all the people like plus wanting a adding little stickers and emojis and seeing that other people feel that same way that I’m going to feel better, even if nothing changes, I’m just going to feel less alone about the situation. So it’s always something that’s good to have.

艾登Mirzaee (Fellow.app)26:45

嗨,每个人,仅仅是一个简短的说明,在我们回到面试之前,如果你听这个播客,你可能一直在寻找办法更好地管理团队的艺术。包括管理团队的预算,鉴于目前的经济形势,这是非常重要的经理理解金融预测,以及它如何影响他们的组织。而且,总的来说,我认为这只是对每个人都很好,有很好的感觉什么是资产负债表,损益表是什么样子什么是现金流量表,并真正融入到金融和它如何影响你的团队,以及如何让非常擅长预测。好消息是我们的朋友在早晨酿造一个我最喜欢的通讯,它们经营的是一家叫做财务预测。这是一组精心策划的经验。它提供了领导人的基本工具将糊状的战略物质转化为可量化的指标,基本上从一个空白的表格到预测性能和定义财务成功实际上意味着什么为你的团队,你的部门或业务。和最好的部分是所有Supermanagers播客听众把50美元从当你注册了URL。现在,我们将离开在显示notes URL。但它的教育点,早上brew.com/fellow。你没听错,就去教育、点早上brew.com/fellow 50美元从你的当然成员。 And with that said, let’s go back to the interview. There’s a lot that I want to emphasize in what you’re saying the idea of people feeling heard is a very important one. And because I guess there’s an understanding of, hey, we’re gonna do this every six months. And it’s not too often that it becomes a chore. And it’s not too long, you know, once a year would be too infrequent, for example. So whatever the right cadence is, they’re giving the people opportunity to feel heard. But I also assume that you start these things. And you might say, hey, from from the last time we did this, here’s some of the things that we implemented. And so people get this notion of this isn’t just some exercise, we’re actually going to do things based on this. And I guess the one question that people might have, especially if they’re part of engineering teams, people sometimes do sprint retrospectives. Right. If they have shorter Sprint’s and they then do a retrospective on what the last sprint was like, How is what you’re doing different than that? And how would you differentiate this from a sprint? Retro?


是的,我认为,这两个非常不同的,我们不做sprint在sprint的逆转录病毒只是因为我们不工作我们有八个星期周期,但我们确实有八个星期周期迷你逆转录病毒,我们谈论我们刚刚做的项目本来可以更好,我认为核心喜欢最大的区别是sprint实验具体怎么工作呢?去了?完成工作的方式,什么什么导致它被很好的,非常具体的票价板式的事情。实验时间越长形式。当他们的时候,他们会更加分散这些大团队的。更多的是整个团队一起工作和流程。我记得曾经有一个完整的话题如何人不满我们的椅子不舒服,当我们开始在家工作,很难在一天结束的时候断开。这不是事情的类型将出现在一个sprint rochow。,那些大的主题不相关的任何特定的代码。所以这是给人们许可谈论事情大,仍然喜欢非常,非常重要的讨论作为一个团队。

艾登Mirzaee (Fellow.app)30:45

是的,所以不同的主题在这里长大。这样的一件事我喜欢的事情,为了强调这一点,我们把这种逆转录病毒的概念。我们现在这样做很多事情。所以有时候我们会有逆转录病毒的两队一起工作。举个例子,我们有我们的销售团队和客户成功的团队,和他们一起工作。大约每六个月一次,有一个销售CS复古和团队有机会谈论工作或不工作的事情。所以这复古的概念可以用在许多不同的地方。,它只是一个健康建立一个反馈文化的一部分。如果人们认为他们可以谈论这些东西。独特的一件事,我认为你这样做了,我我们要链接到它的显示指出,每个人都可以看看。 You have this great conference, talk about how you’ve taken the retro meeting. And it used to be something that we did in office, and now you’ve just made it this remote endeavour. And obviously people should listen to the full conference talk. But what does it look like today? Like if you were to just walk us through the without, you know, the full journey, just the end product of what a retro looks like today in a remote environment?



艾登Mirzaee (Fellow.app)33:05




艾登Mirzaee (Fellow.app)34:02

是的,我喜欢这个这个过程,通常是同步的,让每个人在一个拍摄了三个小时。现在是异步的。人们自己做事情的时间,但你真的需要讨论的部分,有很多的来回。你使用同步。这是真的做事情的好方法。我想问你关于这个话题。我们称之为一次回顾会议。和你做很多异步的。这是我们谈论很多,我们说异步会议。有些人可能会说,异步会议,这是一个矛盾。 What do you think about that? Or what is your response to that?


我认为像我得到它。我同意。我不同意。所以我认为当我当我写了我的建议,我认为在描述,我写了一个句子只是说异步会议,我知道的矛盾。所以我明白了,我认为最好的相当于我喜欢当我试图解释什么是异步的会议,因为我仍然看到调用它的价值,它基本上可以归结为是一个很好准备会议。有不同程度的准备会议,与绝对不出现,这是可怕的。但后来他们展示了一个议程。然后,初学者水平准备会议。但是我真的很喜欢的版本,我称之为一个异步的会议你准备一个议程。然后,会议的参与者,已经提前开始回答和思考事情的时间。 And there, you’re basically having a meeting, before the scheduled meeting actually starts and getting through those talking points and boiling it down to the things that really do actually need to be talked about over a call. And sometimes for the best ones, I’ve had this happen where people have put together an agenda and then I like jump ahead and get ahead of myself and start answering all the questions. And then we just had to cancel the meeting because everything has been answered. And so it’s fully asynchronous at that point.

艾登Mirzaee (Fellow.app)36:02



我认为有一个信任的团队,有两个主要组件一起工作但仍很独立。这是每个成员和经理之间的信任。和所有的团队成员之间的信任自己。我认为这是两个不同的东西。经理之间建立信任和报道,我认为最大的组成部分,是常规的,这是我非常喜欢的具有良好的议程。你不仅出现说,嘿,怎么样,然后讨论状态更新,和移动,我认为这是非常重要的去了解你的报告在个人层面,了解他们,不管他们的舒适度和分享他们的个人生活。然后得到反馈,因为我认为显示你投资于某人的增长给他们帮助,措辞的反馈是一个很好的方式显示,他们的最佳利益放在心上,你关心他们。,建立信任。我认为我做的另一件事,我专门建立信任,因为这也需要很长时间的发展,它不仅仅在一夜之间发生。和真的需要很多的努力。 But what I really like to do is being very, very explicit and clear when I’ve done something wrong. And it might be that I’ve done something that upset someone or hurt someone. Or it might be that I said I do something and didn’t. And instead of just like sweeping under that rug and pretending it never happened, I’ll be very clear with the team say like this happened. I’m like, either I’m sorry. Or like, Yeah, this is how we’re going to fix it, or this is why priorities have changed. And I’m not going to do the thing that I said I was going to do. But being explicit like that with a team, I think builds a lot of trust, because it shows like, I’m not going to hide things from them, I’m not going to shy away. And that goes a long way. And then similarly, like if they were to ever give me feedback on things that I could be doing better, showing that I’m really listening, I understand what they’re saying. And then later making, asking them like Has this gotten better have I addressed the feedback really shows that like, I’m not gonna be upset with them for being honest. And I value that they trust me enough to give me that feedback when you’re in that position. So I think that’s a really good way of going about creating trust between managers and teams. And then a lot of that stuff still applies to team members building trust with each other as well. It’s making sure that if somebody says they’re going to do something that they follow through so that people are able to trust that the person will get their work done. Making sure that if you’re giving feedback or making suggestions, nobody reacts negatively and tells them they’re wrong. So it’s a lot of feedback and communication and time spent together really like it’s really something that you can’t do overnight.

艾登Mirzaee (Fellow.app)39:52



是的,我肯定,和各种各样的人,我也有过一对一。所以我肯定遇到。不知何故,我们总是最终填充完整的时间喜欢谈论工作的事情,迎头赶上。但是我想我去当有引用,结束,像没有讨论,这是从来没有的事,就像总有你可以谈论的东西。我不喜欢把它向项目状态更新,因为有很多其他的方法迎头赶上。但是我最喜欢的事是问很多问题,因为人们喜欢听到的感觉。就像与rochow一样。像,这让人感觉很好,人们听他们,同意他们所说的。人们很喜欢感觉听到,一个在1和感觉他们的意见,因为他们做的。所以我倾向于做的是问人,这样的话,你觉得应该是下一个周期的路线图? Or what do you think of that presentation to Aydin did at the town hall? Like do you think there is information missing? Do you think we should have a different type of presentation next time? What do you think about the type of information you’re getting from that team? How do you think we could improve the marketing strategy over here, like, there’s just an endless number of questions that you can ask people, and it doesn’t have to be related to your business function. Because I think, especially in a company of our size, the reason people join is because they’re excited to work across different areas of the business and learn about how companies work and get their hands in a little bit of everything. And so having their opinion asked about all these different business things, even if there’s nothing I can do about it, just having someone ask them what they think, is really good. And that has all sorts of benefits, too, because it almost gives them permission to think more about that, and gives them permission to come up with ideas. And you know, we have an ideas channel for every department in the company. And people start more and more posting ideas in there. Because they know oh, people care, like I have something to say. So that’s really my favorite go to is just, I was having the back of my mind, like a list of questions that I’ll go to and like, ask people about so that we can get those kinds of discussions going? Because it’s rare that a question like that gets no answer at all.

艾登Mirzaee (Fellow.app)43:11

是的。我的意思是,你在说什么,你知道,我喜欢它。有很多好处。我爱你只是有这个备份的问题列表。,但我想也许你的东西不是说但是你暗示,我认为这是非常重要的是,当你问这些问题,你也关心他们的反应。你很好奇,想知道他们是怎么想的。这不仅仅是我认为这是,你知道的,我猜你改变,当然,这就是为什么我问的问题。但我认为这是非常重要的,因为每个人都有不同的观点。他们以不同的方式看待事物。如果你有一个不同的团队,这是一种愚蠢的不利用你的所有聪明的人。 And yeah, you can learn so much by asking these questions and getting people engaged. In a very passive like comment, you just said that every department in the company has an ideas channel. What does that mean? Maybe you can talk a bit more about that.


是的。所以我认为这开始与工程团队几年前,我们有一个要求开发者频道在松弛,任何人都可以像如果他们发现错误或有疑问的东西是如何工作的,他们能在那里邮寄点东西。的开发人员会回答。这想法开始在其他球队。所以我们有一个问营销渠道,问设计渠道销售,像所有这些不同的领域。然后这些渠道开始凌乱和每个人发布的想法,也面对像以前,不是一个问题,但我有这个想法。还有很多,这是如此之大,我们想要确保他们得到他们应得的关注。所以我们创建的理念、产品理念、营销创意,设体育彩票BOB计,和所有这些不同领域的公司的业务,所以,任何人都可以导致这些渠道和公司内部讨论问题和公众,这样绝对,大家只是设计师没有给其他设计师的想法。事情的关键在于整个公司每个人都总是一起思考一切是如何工作的。这感觉很不错的和独特的。 But I would love to think that every company can do that, too.

艾登Mirzaee (Fellow.app)45:19

是的,我的意思是,有很多的好处,对吗?我的意思是,它的很多事情,你说,这是每个人都感觉听到他们的声音,他们也很有影响。如果你有很多人思考你的问题,这样总是很好的。但我认为这也是把这文化的短的脚趾。我们最初听到这个术语的人得到实验室。但基本上,如果你有短的脚趾,没有人可以踩到你的脚趾。频道的东西,我想这理念与如果你有一个短的脚趾不是文化,哦,这不是你的部门,你为什么评论,而不是其他的方式,是不,来吧,我们都希望听到你的想法。我的意思是,我们不会采取行动。但重要的是要从真正聪明的人得到的意见和信息。这两个东西一起工作得很好。说到这,因为你还表示,这些渠道都是公开的。 I know you think a lot about and I think this goes hand in hand with trust, too. What are your thoughts on just transparency, how you approach it, what you share what you don’t share? Like, what are some norms that you’ve established in your work and with your teams,


我真的大尽可能透明,一切可能比人们可能更透明,可以用来或白色。但是我认为保持私人信息时不需要,这是建立这样一个大增长错失良机。我的意思是有时候,偶尔,我从某人,会得到一个消息,这将是一个直接的信息。所以只有意味着人可以看到它。这将是一个问题的这一过程是如何工作的呢?或有什么地位呢?每一次发生这种情况,这虫子我一点。我告诉他们,其实请这个问题就像问轻拍或问任何频道,我会回复你。原因是,如果我回复这个问题,直接消息,唯一受益的人回答是问的人,没有人可以看到我的答案是什么,没有人可以搜索它在未来当他们不可避免地又有这个问题。所以它就变成了一种失去信息。 And so there’s that that aspect of like asking questions where that I feel for 99% of cases has to be public. And then the other thing too, is, I’m really big on public channels for pretty much every aspect of work. Like we have a channel for every project, the engineering team is working on different, like marketing initiatives, I know to where there are public channels that I’m a part of there. And I think that it’s really important to talk about status and post questions and discuss those things in public on those channels. So that if anybody else is interested in what’s going on, they don’t have to ask anyone, they don’t have to just know that the channel exists, they can just go there and read through the history. And that gives a lot of important context on the business. So I as a senior engineering manager, like work a lot with prioritizing things based on what the customer success team is saying, and sales and all these people. And a lot of where I get my context from and what helps me make decisions is looking at their channels that are public and reading through the issues they’re encountering, and the things that they’re working on. And just gathering all of that information over time so that I can better make a decision about my own work without necessarily even needing to involve them because I have access to so much more information that really helps me in my job.

艾登Mirzaee (Fellow.app)49:10




艾登Mirzaee (Fellow.app)50:25



是吗?是的,我发誓,我不是不仅使节目。但是当我第一次得到了我的第一次编程工作,我刚满17岁。基本上,我知道没有什么喜欢什么,就像我不了解web应用程序的,我刚开始学习如何在学校代码。我记得你给我一次机会,给了我我的第一份工作。因为我17岁,你告诉我,去问我父母和确保它是好的。我没有,我喜欢回家说,嘿,你有一份工作。但是我喜欢整个时间我们一起工作,你给了我这么多的机会,给了我这么好的反馈。和你像,绝对一个更诚实的人直接就像给我的反馈是帮助我成长了很多。但我认为这没有什么,你已经说过了,我做不到。就像每次我喜欢当我告诉你,我正在读一本书,我没有合同或任何东西。 And you just basically acted like, of course, of course, you have a book, like we’ll do it, we’ll help you with everything, we’ll help you promote it, like it was the most normal thing in the world, when I was freaking out a little bit about it. So things like that. And then you’ve given me so many opportunities, where it’s like, here’s this really hard thing that has nothing to do with your job. But I bet you can do it. And I’ll do it even though I don’t think I can. And so all this to say I think a lot of the growth that I’ve had in my career has come from the opportunities that you’ve given me and like the the trust that you’ve had and my ability to get those things done.

艾登Mirzaee (Fellow.app)51:58




艾登Mirzaee (Fellow.app)53:24

